Clever. To mangle the bible, look to the ant for heat-resistant you sluggard! They've got it taped, silver triangular hairs and all. Could us it even now in a Florida summer.

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If you go through the old archives you'll see a lot of posts on a future Earth where the ants are the dominant Intelligence! They are highly technological, highly ethical and evolved out of their former warlike ways.

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I didn't know you did sci-fi stuff! Love it! I mean I hope its sci-fi and not reality..........

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Same advice, Jim-. I have done lots of scifi, fantasy, and wacky humor in the early days of this newsletter. Wars between Ant civilizations and imperialist molluscs, Superheros, mad scientists and magicians, Artificial Intelligences as good guys or bad guys, physically embodied Paradoxes doing comedy, or cage matches, ghosts being haunted by other ghosts.... It's been quite a ride! If you like a mainstream, cinematic alien "incursion" story try the Ex Tenebris Tenebrae three-parter of which could actually generate a legit movie.

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